Government of Alberta

Learn more about the Government of Alberta.

Airshed Zones

Many air quality issues are local, so province-wide solutions may be inappropriate and inefficient. Airshed zones allow local stakeholders to design local solutions to address local air quality issues.

An airshed zone can be defined on the basis of emissions sources and volumes, dispersion characteristics, impacts, and administrative characteristics. Collaboration among zones improves access to, and sharing of, resources.

The airshed zone approach makes it possible to:

  • improve existing monitoring in the region
  • make local and regional monitoring systems more efficient
  • collect date to address regional air quality concerns
  • obtain information about regional air quality

To date, CASA has endorsed nine airshed zones throughout the province, using approved Airshed Zones Guidelines.

Learn more about Alberta Airshed Zones.

Alberta Airshed Council

In 2006, the Alberta Airsheds Council (AAC) was formed to coordinate the efforts and operations of Alberta’s airsheds.

Formation of the AAC recommended after CASA’s In the Zone conference in October 2005. It recognized the need for a forum where airshed zones could discuss common issues.

Alberta Water Council

Established in 2004, the Alberta Water Council (AWC) is a multi-stakeholder partnership created to monitor and steward implementation of Alberta’s Water for Life strategy.

The Alberta Water Council and CASA collaborated to produce the Consensus Decision-making Toolkit, as a resource for any group, experienced or not, choosing to explore and use consensus decision-making. The toolkit helps identify elements to help the consensus process succeed. A hands-on workbook, the toolkit helps identify possible problems that could develop during the process, with practical suggestions for dealing with those problems constructively.

The Enhanced Collaboration with Water Council project team concentrated on three goals:

  • Identifying opportunities for leveraging resources, increasing efficiency, avoiding duplicate efforts, and building on each other’s’ successes.
  • Educating and raising awareness regarding the activities and processes of both the Water Council and CASA.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to, and help build on, the important linkage between air, land and water at the strategic level

Synergy Alberta

Synergy Alberta, a provincial not-for-profit society, is a network of multi-stakeholder, community-based groups which address pressures and opportunities of energy/resource development. They provide an opportunity for communities to have more meaningful, ongoing participation in decisions that directly affect them.