Confined Feeding Operations Implementation Committee

The Confined Feeding Operations Implementation Committee’s goal is to follow up on the implementation of recommendations from the 2008 Confined Feeding Operations (CFO) Project Team.

This is the first time CASA recommendations related to CFOs have been implemented. There are substantial learnings to be identified and shared with the CFO project team when it reconvenes in 2011. Read more in the terms of reference.


The Board of Directors approved the Terms of Reference in September 2010.

Any new issues and further recommendations will be addressed when the project team is reconvened in fall 2011.


The CASA Confined Feeding Operations Project Team in 2008 developed a strategic plan to improve the management of air emissions from existing and future CFOs in Alberta and to improve relationships between stakeholders.

In developing the plan, the team considered the following principles:

  • continuous improvement and pollution prevention to protect air quality;
  • prevention of short and long-term adverse effects on human, animal and ecosystem health due to air emissions; and
  • assurance that air quality recommendations maximize social, economic, environmental and health benefits and minimize social, economic, environmental and health costs.

The Confined Feeding Operations Project Team’s final report and recommendations were approved in March 2008.

If you have further questions about the PM & Ozone project, email