
In 2020, the Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) formed an ad hoc group to explore how anticipated COVID-19-related trends in emissions due to reduced transportation could inform future air quality management policy. Members noted that CASA is an ideal forum to both gather interested parties to explore this issue and share the findings with Albertans to improve air quality management and stewardship.

The discussions of the ad hoc group resulted in a statement of opportunity related to messaging on vehicle emissions and air quality. Subsequently, a working group scoped terms of reference for this project idea and a project team was later established in 2021 to execute set tasks. The project team’s terms of reference and final documents can be found at the bottom of this page.

Project Goal

The goal of this project was to collaboratively develop messaging that links changes in air quality associated with measures undertaken to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The messaging would aim to generate provincial awareness of the impacts that reductions in motor vehicle transportation can have on air quality, and how individuals, governments, businesses, and other Albertans can act to improve air quality.

Project Objectives

The project objectives were as follows:

  • Summarize existing information on Alberta’s ambient air quality and traffic counts before and during the implementation of measures taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  • Link observed air quality changes associated with measures taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19 to outcomes that are relatable to Albertans.
  • Write a project final report including performance measures and recommendations.
  • Develop a plan for communicating the work of the project team on transportation reductions due to COVID-19 and the impacts on air quality.

 Terms of Reference

Final Documents