Pollution Prevention/Continuous Improvement

The goals of the PPCI (or P2/CI) team were to make recommendations to CASA for actions that, when implemented, will achieve:

  • A working environment in which Pollution Prevention/Continuous Improvement is used to protect air quality
  • The public contributes to pollution prevention by making clean air friendly choices

The overriding goal of preventing pollution is to eliminate the causes rather than having to correct the problems that pollution creates.

Objectives include:

  • Develop and promote emission reduction strategies for major sources
  • Recommend P2/CI tools that are user-friendly and can be implemented to achieve source reductions
  • Provide support and direction to CASA project teams
  • Identify and recommend cost-effective reduction opportunities
  • Encourage innovative reduction opportunities for all sectors and/or zones
  • Establish a system of incentives for P2/CI
  • Expand the range of cost-effective options for environmental decision-making
  • Promote and encourage the use of alternative fuels/renewable energy
  • Encourage the use and application of by-product synergies and industrial ecology

Read more about the team in its terms of reference.

For more information, email info@awc-casa.ca.